"Introducing AdalanAI, a startup that offers a management consulting and SaaS platform for AI Governance, Policy, and Ethics. AdalanAI provides a comprehensive solution for businesses, investors, VCs, and policy-makers seeking expert assistance in AI product risk assessment, impact assessment, policy tracking, and formulation.
Their mission is to help companies achieve operational excellence, build public trust, and ensure greater customer satisfaction by improving their internal governance strategies, structures, processes, and people skills across organizational functions that impact how algorithms are built.
AdalanAI believes in an end-to-end solution for AI Governance, with a combination of an AI Governance Approach (social innovation) and their SaaS platform (technological innovation). The platform provides organizations with the tools for checking, assessment, and verification to ensure that their AI systems are developed and used based on established criteria.
The team at AdalanAI understands the importance of trustworthy AI systems in business success, and they are dedicated to providing the tools and resources necessary to implement pro-innovation governance approaches for AI. Their end-to-end solution helps companies and the public sector develop reliable and trustworthy AI systems that meet their business objectives and exceed customer expectations."
To stay updated on AdalanAI's mission to revolutionize AI Governance, Policy, and Ethics, follow them on LinkedIn or visit their website.