Erstellt am: 16.01.2023

Introducing our SIBB Startups 22/23: Team Equaly

team equaly

Like every week, we're presenting you one of our new startups in the SIBB Accelerator - this time team Equaly. 

Team Equaly consists of Hannah, Annabelle, Louisa, and Jonas. Together they build equaly – a digital tool that helps couples to jointly and consciously choose their individual work-life-family model together and implement it in their everyday life. With equaly’s digital product, couples are guided through a structured process from building their joint life vision to calculating their family-cash-flow and splitting chores in a more balanced way. By distributing care-giving work on more shoulders, equaly reduces stress and mental load and allows couples and families to have more quality time and less arguments.

"Our mission with equaly is to fight the motherhood penalty: Women lose up to 70% of their lifetime earnings after becoming a mother. One of the reasons is the unequal division of care-giving work. We founded equaly so that women and men can freely decide what they want from life. We believe that this freedom of choice is the foundation for long-term happy relationships. And if we succeed in dividing or compensating care-giving work more fairly with equaly, it will have a major social impact: it will increase the participation of women in the labor market and reduce the risk of (female) old-age poverty. So that for our future children, the motherhood penalty doesn’t exist anymore.” 

If you are curious about equaly and want to know more, please visit their website and follow them on Instagram or LinkedIn.