Do you want to enter or expand in the U.S. market? Join the upcoming Transatlantic Business & Investement Council virtual delegation trip with wide-ranging experts and local economic development/chamber of commerce representatives from the United States!
The TBIC is the official European representative of selected U.S. cities, counties and chambers of commerce. Based on their mission to promote transatlantic trade and investment, TBIC offers a variety of services to European companies free of charge. Their virtual meetings are an efficient and easy way to lay the foundation for a further exchange with U.S. partners.
S.I.B.B. is looking forward to a 1,5 hour workshop together with TBIC and companies from the Tech & IT sector on December, 9th, 2020, from 4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. CET!
For further information and registration for the workshop, please contact Sandra Metzger, Consultant at TBIC:
You can find the preliminary agenda here.