Joint project RegioFood_Plus

The scientific project work of the SIBB aims to develop new business models for the digital economy in the food industry and to provide relevant information and materials for the development of corresponding products and consulting concepts.

Companies in the digital economy with the target group food industry will find relevant RegioFood publications, event information and news on this SIBB project page.

RegioFood publications for the digital economy (German only)

Logo RegioFood Plus
Logo BMBF Förderlogo

RegioFood_Plus is funded by the BMBF, SIBB-FKZ 02K14A204. Further information can be found on the project website

Poster Erklärung RegioFood Projekt

Your contact for the "RegioFood_Plus" project
Ron Reckin
Research associate RegioFood_Plus | Project Manager
Phone: +49 30 4036 7190 5

RegioFood News

The RegioFood_Plus Consortium: The project partners of SIBB

Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
CSB-System AG - ERP-Software für die Lebensmittelbranche
EDEKA Minden-Hannover
pro agro - Verband zur Förderung des ländlichen Raumes in der Region Brandenburg-Berlin e.V.
Hoffnungstaler Werkstätten GmbH Biesenthal – Lobetaler Bio
Lienig Wildfruchtverarbeitung GmbH